Source code for moulinette.utils.process

import time
import subprocess
import os

# This import is unused in this file. It will be deleted in future (W0611 PEP8),
# but for the momment we keep it due to yunohost moulinette script that used
# process.quote syntax to access this module !
    from pipes import quote  # Python2 & Python3 <= 3.2
except ImportError:
    from shlex import quote  # Python3 >= 3.3

from .stream import async_file_reading

quote  # This line is here to avoid W0611 PEP8 error (see comments above)

# Prevent to import subprocess only for common classes
CalledProcessError = subprocess.CalledProcessError

# Alternative subprocess methods ---------------------------------------

[docs]def check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, **kwargs): """Run command with arguments and return its output as a byte string Overwrite some of the arguments to capture standard error in the result and use shell by default before calling subprocess.check_output. """ return subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=stderr, shell=shell, **kwargs)
# Call with stream access ----------------------------------------------
[docs]def call_async_output(args, callback, **kwargs): """Run command and provide its output asynchronously Run command with arguments and wait for it to complete to return the returncode attribute. The `callback` can be a method or a 2-tuple of methods - for stdout and stderr respectively - which must take one byte string argument. It will be called each time the command produces some output. The stdout and stderr additional arguments for the Popen constructor are not allowed as they are used internally. Keyword arguments: - args -- String or sequence of program arguments - callback -- Method or object to call with output as argument - kwargs -- Additional arguments for the Popen constructor Returns: Exit status of the command """ for a in ["stdout", "stderr"]: if a in kwargs: raise ValueError("%s argument not allowed, " "it will be overridden." % a) if "stdinfo" in kwargs and kwargs["stdinfo"] is not None: assert len(callback) == 3 stdinfo = kwargs.pop("stdinfo") os.mkfifo(stdinfo, 0o600) # Open stdinfo for reading (in a nonblocking way, i.e. even # if command does not write in the stdinfo pipe...) stdinfo_f =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) else: if "stdinfo" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("stdinfo") stdinfo = None # Validate callback argument if isinstance(callback, tuple): if len(callback) < 2: raise ValueError("callback argument should be a 2-tuple") kwargs["stdout"] = kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE separate_stderr = True elif callable(callback): kwargs["stdout"] = subprocess.PIPE kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.STDOUT separate_stderr = False callback = (callback,) else: raise ValueError("callback argument must be callable or a 2-tuple") # Run the command p = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs) # Wrap and get command outputs stdout_reader, stdout_consum = async_file_reading(p.stdout, callback[0]) if separate_stderr: stderr_reader, stderr_consum = async_file_reading(p.stderr, callback[1]) if stdinfo: stdinfo_reader, stdinfo_consum = async_file_reading(stdinfo_f, callback[2]) while not stdout_reader.eof() and not stderr_reader.eof(): while not stdout_consum.empty() or not stderr_consum.empty(): # alternate between the 2 consumers to avoid desynchronisation # this way is not 100% perfect but should do it stdout_consum.process_next_line() stderr_consum.process_next_line() if stdinfo: stdinfo_consum.process_next_line() time.sleep(0.1) stderr_reader.join() # clear the queues stdout_consum.process_current_queue() stderr_consum.process_current_queue() if stdinfo: stdinfo_consum.process_current_queue() else: while not stdout_reader.eof(): stdout_consum.process_current_queue() time.sleep(0.1) stdout_reader.join() # clear the queue stdout_consum.process_current_queue() if stdinfo: # Remove the stdinfo pipe os.remove(stdinfo) os.rmdir(os.path.dirname(stdinfo)) stdinfo_reader.join() stdinfo_consum.process_current_queue() # on slow hardware, in very edgy situations it is possible that the process # isn't finished just after having closed stdout and stderr, so we wait a # bit to give hime the time to finish (while having a timeout) # Note : p.poll() returns None is the process hasn't finished yet start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: if p.poll() is not None: return p.poll() time.sleep(0.1) return p.poll()
# Call multiple commands -----------------------------------------------
[docs]def run_commands(cmds, callback=None, separate_stderr=False, shell=True, **kwargs): """Run multiple commands with error management Run a list of commands and allow to manage how to treat errors either with raise_on_error or callback arguments. If callback is provided, it will be called when the command returns a non-zero exit code. The callback must take 3 arguments; the returncode, the command which failed and the command output. The callback should return either False to stop commands execution or True to continue. Otherwise, if raise_on_error is True a CalledProcessError exception will be raised when a command returns a non-zero exit code. If callback is provided or raise_on_error is False, all commands will be executed and the number of failed commands will be returned. The standard output and error of a failed command can be separated with separate_stderr set to True. In that case, the output argument passed to the callback or the output attribute of the CalledProcessError exception will be a 2-tuple containing stdout and stderr as byte strings. Keyword arguments: - cmds -- List of commands to run - callback -- Method or object to call on command failure. If no callback is given, a "subprocess.CalledProcessError" will be raised in case of command failure. - separate_stderr -- True to return command output as a 2-tuple - kwargs -- Additional arguments for the Popen constructor Returns: Number of failed commands """ # stdout and stderr are specified by this code later, so they cannot be # overriden by user input for a in ["stdout", "stderr"]: if a in kwargs: raise ValueError("%s argument not allowed, " "it will be overridden." % a) # If no callback specified... if callback is None: # Raise CalledProcessError on command failure def callback(r, c, o): raise CalledProcessError(r, c, o) elif not callable(callback): raise ValueError("callback argument must be callable") # Manage stderr if separate_stderr: _stderr = subprocess.PIPE _get_output = lambda o, e: (o, e) else: _stderr = subprocess.STDOUT _get_output = lambda o, e: o # Iterate over commands error = 0 for cmd in cmds: process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_stderr, shell=shell, **kwargs ) output = _get_output(*process.communicate()) retcode = process.poll() if retcode: error += 1 if not callback(retcode, cmd, output): break return error