Source code for moulinette.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import time
import json
import logging

from importlib import import_module

import moulinette
from moulinette.globals import init_moulinette_env

logger = logging.getLogger("moulinette.core")

def during_unittests_run():
    return "TESTS_RUN" in os.environ

# Internationalization -------------------------------------------------

class Translator(object):

    """Internationalization class

    Provide an internationalization mechanism based on JSON files to
    translate a key in the proper locale.

    Keyword arguments:
        - locale_dir -- The directory where locale files are located
        - default_locale -- The default locale to use


    def __init__(self, locale_dir, default_locale="en"):
        self.locale_dir = locale_dir
        self.locale = default_locale
        self._translations = {}

        # Attempt to load default translations
        if not self._load_translations(default_locale):
                "unable to load locale '%s' from '%s'", default_locale, locale_dir
        self.default_locale = default_locale

    def get_locales(self):
        """Return a list of the avalaible locales"""
        locales = []

        for f in os.listdir(self.locale_dir):
            if f.endswith(".json"):
                # TODO: Validate locale
        return locales

    def set_locale(self, locale):
        """Set the locale to use

        Set the locale to use at first. If the locale is not available,
        the default locale is used.

        Keyword arguments:
            - locale -- The locale to use

            True if the locale has been set, otherwise False

        if locale not in self._translations:
            if not self._load_translations(locale):
                    "unable to load locale '%s' from '%s'",

                # Revert to default locale
                self.locale = self.default_locale
                return False

        # Set current locale
        self.locale = locale
        return True

    def translate(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        """Retrieve proper translation for a key

        Attempt to retrieve translation for a key using the current locale
        or the default locale if 'key' is not found.

        Keyword arguments:
            - key -- The key to translate

        failed_to_format = False
        if key in self._translations.get(self.locale, {}):
                return (
                    .format(*args, **kwargs)
            except KeyError as e:
                unformatted_string = self._translations[self.locale][key].encode(
                error_message = (
                    "Failed to format translated string '%s': '%s' with arguments '%s' and '%s, raising error: %s(%s) (don't panic this is just a warning)"
                    % (key, unformatted_string, args, kwargs, e.__class__.__name__, e)

                if not during_unittests_run():
                    raise Exception(error_message)

                failed_to_format = True

        if failed_to_format or (
            self.default_locale != self.locale
            and key in self._translations.get(self.default_locale, {})
  "untranslated key '%s' for locale '%s'", key, self.locale)

                return (
                    .format(*args, **kwargs)
            except KeyError as e:
                unformatted_string = self._translations[self.default_locale][
                error_message = (
                    "Failed to format translatable string '%s': '%s' with arguments '%s' and '%s', raising  error: %s(%s) (don't panic this is just a warning)"
                    % (key, unformatted_string, args, kwargs, e.__class__.__name__, e)
                if not during_unittests_run():
                    raise Exception(error_message)

                return self._translations[self.default_locale][key].encode("utf-8")

        error_message = (
            "unable to retrieve string to translate with key '%s' for default locale 'locales/%s.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)"
            % (key, self.default_locale)

        if not during_unittests_run():
            raise Exception(error_message)

        return key

    def _load_translations(self, locale, overwrite=False):
        """Load translations for a locale

        Attempt to load translations for a given locale. If 'overwrite' is
        True, translations will be loaded again.

        Keyword arguments:
            - locale -- The locale to load
            - overwrite -- True to overwrite existing translations

            True if the translations have been loaded, otherwise False

        if not overwrite and locale in self._translations:
            return True

            with open("%s/%s.json" % (self.locale_dir, locale), "r") as f:
                j = json.load(f, "utf-8")
        except IOError:
            return False
            self._translations[locale] = j
        return True

[docs]class Moulinette18n(object): """Internationalization service for the moulinette Manage internationalization and access to the proper keys translation used in the moulinette and libraries. Keyword arguments: - package -- The current Package instance - default_locale -- The default locale to use """ def __init__(self, default_locale="en"): self.default_locale = default_locale self.locale = default_locale moulinette_env = init_moulinette_env() self.locales_dir = moulinette_env["LOCALES_DIR"] # Init global translator self._global = Translator(self.locales_dir, default_locale) # Define namespace related variables self._namespaces = {} self._current_namespace = None def load_namespace(self, namespace): """Load the namespace to use Load and set translations of a given namespace. Those translations are accessible with Moulinette18n.n(). Keyword arguments: - namespace -- The namespace to load """ if namespace not in self._namespaces: # Create new Translator object lib_dir = init_moulinette_env()["LIB_DIR"] translator = Translator( "%s/%s/locales" % (lib_dir, namespace), self.default_locale ) translator.set_locale(self.locale) self._namespaces[namespace] = translator # Set current namespace self._current_namespace = namespace def set_locale(self, locale): """Set the locale to use""" self.locale = locale self._global.set_locale(locale) for n in self._namespaces.values(): n.set_locale(locale)
[docs] def g(self, key, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve proper translation for a moulinette key Attempt to retrieve value for a key from moulinette translations using the current locale or the default locale if 'key' is not found. Keyword arguments: - key -- The key to translate """ return self._global.translate(key, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def n(self, key, *args, **kwargs): """Retrieve proper translation for a moulinette key Attempt to retrieve value for a key from current loaded namespace translations using the current locale or the default one if 'key' is not found. Keyword arguments: - key -- The key to translate """ return self._namespaces[self._current_namespace].translate(key, *args, **kwargs)
class MoulinetteSignals(object): """Signals connector for the moulinette Allow to easily connect signals from the moulinette to handlers. A signal is emitted by calling the relevant method which call the handler. For the moment, a return value can be requested by a signal to its connected handler - make them not real-signals. Keyword arguments: - kwargs -- A dict of {signal: handler} to connect """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Initialize handlers for s in self.signals: self.clear_handler(s) # Iterate over signals to connect for s, h in kwargs.items(): self.set_handler(s, h) def set_handler(self, signal, handler): """Set the handler for a signal""" if signal not in self.signals: logger.error("unknown signal '%s'", signal) return setattr(self, "_%s" % signal, handler) def clear_handler(self, signal): """Clear the handler of a signal""" if signal not in self.signals: logger.error("unknown signal '%s'", signal) return setattr(self, "_%s" % signal, self._notimplemented) # Signals definitions """The list of available signals""" signals = {"authenticate", "prompt", "display"} def authenticate(self, authenticator): """Process the authentication Attempt to authenticate to the given authenticator and return it. It is called when authentication is needed (e.g. to process an action). Keyword arguments: - authenticator -- The authenticator object to use Returns: The authenticator object """ if authenticator.is_authenticated: return authenticator return self._authenticate(authenticator) def prompt(self, message, is_password=False, confirm=False, color="blue"): """Prompt for a value Prompt the interface for a parameter value which is a password if 'is_password' and must be confirmed if 'confirm'. Is is called when a parameter value is needed and when the current interface should allow user interaction (e.g. to parse extra parameter 'ask' in the cli). Keyword arguments: - message -- The message to display - is_password -- True if the parameter is a password - confirm -- True if the value must be confirmed - color -- Color to use for the prompt ... Returns: The collected value """ return self._prompt(message, is_password, confirm, color=color) def display(self, message, style="info"): """Display a message Display a message with a given style to the user. It is called when a message should be printed to the user if the current interface allows user interaction (e.g. print a success message to the user). Keyword arguments: - message -- The message to display - style -- The type of the message. Possible values are: info, success, warning """ try: self._display(message, style) except NotImplementedError: pass @staticmethod def _notimplemented(*args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("this signal is not handled") # Interfaces & Authenticators management ------------------------------- def init_interface(name, kwargs={}, actionsmap={}): """Return a new interface instance Retrieve the given interface module and return a new instance of its Interface class. It is initialized with arguments 'kwargs' and connected to 'actionsmap' if it's an ActionsMap object, otherwise a new ActionsMap instance will be initialized with arguments 'actionsmap'. Keyword arguments: - name -- The interface name - kwargs -- A dict of arguments to pass to Interface - actionsmap -- Either an ActionsMap instance or a dict of arguments to pass to ActionsMap """ from moulinette.actionsmap import ActionsMap try: mod = import_module("moulinette.interfaces.%s" % name) except ImportError as e: logger.exception("unable to load interface '%s' : %s", name, e) raise MoulinetteError("error_see_log") else: try: # Retrieve interface classes parser = mod.ActionsMapParser interface = mod.Interface except AttributeError: logger.exception("unable to retrieve classes of interface '%s'", name) raise MoulinetteError("error_see_log") # Instantiate or retrieve ActionsMap if isinstance(actionsmap, dict): amap = ActionsMap(actionsmap.pop("parser", parser), **actionsmap) elif isinstance(actionsmap, ActionsMap): amap = actionsmap else: logger.error("invalid actionsmap value %r", actionsmap) raise MoulinetteError("error_see_log") return interface(amap, **kwargs) # Moulinette core classes ---------------------------------------------- class MoulinetteError(Exception): """Moulinette base exception""" def __init__(self, key, raw_msg=False, *args, **kwargs): if raw_msg: msg = key else: msg = moulinette.m18n.g(key, *args, **kwargs) super(MoulinetteError, self).__init__(msg) self.strerror = msg class MoulinetteLdapIsDownError(MoulinetteError): """Used when ldap is down""" class MoulinetteLock(object): """Locker for a moulinette instance It provides a lock mechanism for a given moulinette instance. It can be used in a with statement as it has a context-manager support. Keyword arguments: - namespace -- The namespace to lock - timeout -- The time period before failing if the lock cannot be acquired - interval -- The time period before trying again to acquire the lock """ base_lockfile = "/var/run/moulinette_%s.lock" def __init__(self, namespace, timeout=None, interval=0.5): self.namespace = namespace self.timeout = timeout self.interval = interval self._lockfile = self.base_lockfile % namespace self._stale_checked = False self._locked = False def acquire(self): """Attempt to acquire the lock for the moulinette instance It will try to write to the lock file only if it doesn't exist. Otherwise, it will wait and try again until the timeout expires or the lock file doesn't exist. """ start_time = time.time() # for UX reason, we are going to warn the user that we are waiting for # another yunohost command to end, otherwise the user is very confused # and don't understand that and think yunohost is broken # we are going to warn the user after 15 seconds of waiting time then # after 15*4 seconds, then 15*4*4 seconds... warning_treshold = 15 logger.debug("acquiring lock...") while True: lock_pids = self._lock_PIDs() if self._is_son_of(lock_pids): return if lock_pids == []: self._lock() break elif not self._stale_checked: self._stale_checked = True # Check locked process still exist and take lock if it doesnt # FIXME : what do in the context of multiple locks :| first_lock = lock_pids[0] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("/proc", str(first_lock), "exe")): logger.debug("stale lock file found") self._lock() break if self.timeout is not None and (time.time() - start_time) > self.timeout: raise MoulinetteError("instance_already_running") # warn the user if it's been too much time since they are waiting if (time.time() - start_time) > warning_treshold: if warning_treshold == 15: logger.warning( moulinette.m18n.g("warn_the_user_about_waiting_lock") ) else: logger.warning( moulinette.m18n.g("warn_the_user_about_waiting_lock_again") ) warning_treshold *= 4 # Wait before checking again time.sleep(self.interval) # we have warned the user that we were waiting, for better UX also them # that we have stop waiting and that the command is processing now if warning_treshold != 15: logger.warning(moulinette.m18n.g("warn_the_user_that_lock_is_acquired")) logger.debug("lock has been acquired") self._locked = True def release(self): """Release the lock of the moulinette instance It will delete the lock file if the lock has been acquired. """ if self._locked: if os.path.exists(self._lockfile): os.unlink(self._lockfile) else: logger.warning( "Uhoh, somehow the lock %s did not exist ..." % self._lockfile ) logger.debug("lock has been released") self._locked = False def _lock(self): try: with open(self._lockfile, "w") as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) except IOError: raise MoulinetteError("root_required") def _lock_PIDs(self): if not os.path.isfile(self._lockfile): return [] with open(self._lockfile) as f: lock_pids ="\n") # Make sure to convert those pids to integers lock_pids = [int(pid) for pid in lock_pids if pid.strip() != ""] return lock_pids def _is_son_of(self, lock_pids): import psutil if lock_pids == []: return False # Start with self parent = psutil.Process() # While there is a parent... (e.g. init has no parent) while parent is not None: # If parent PID is the lock, then yes! we are a son of the process # with the lock... if in lock_pids: return True # Otherwise, try 'next' parent parent = parent.parent() return False def __enter__(self): if not self._locked: self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.release() def __del__(self): self.release()