Source code for moulinette.authenticators.ldap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# TODO: Use Python3 to remove this fix!
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import logging
import random
import string
import crypt
import ldap
import ldap.sasl
import time
import ldap.modlist as modlist

from moulinette import m18n
from moulinette.core import MoulinetteError, MoulinetteLdapIsDownError
from moulinette.authenticators import BaseAuthenticator

logger = logging.getLogger("moulinette.authenticator.ldap")

# LDAP Class Implementation --------------------------------------------

[docs]class Authenticator(BaseAuthenticator): """LDAP Authenticator Initialize a LDAP connexion for the given arguments. It attempts to authenticate a user if 'user_rdn' is given - by associating user_rdn and base_dn - and provides extra methods to manage opened connexion. Keyword arguments: - uri -- The LDAP server URI - base_dn -- The base dn - user_rdn -- The user rdn to authenticate """ def __init__(self, name, vendor, parameters, extra): self.uri = parameters["uri"] self.basedn = parameters["base_dn"] self.userdn = parameters["user_rdn"] self.extra = extra self.sasldn = "cn=external,cn=auth" self.adminuser = "admin" self.admindn = "cn=%s,dc=yunohost,dc=org" % self.adminuser logger.debug( "initialize authenticator '%s' with: uri='%s', " "base_dn='%s', user_rdn='%s'", name, self._get_uri(), self.basedn, self.userdn, ) super(Authenticator, self).__init__(name, vendor, parameters, extra) if self.userdn and self.sasldn in self.userdn: self.authenticate(None) else: self.con = None def __del__(self): """Disconnect and free ressources""" if self.con: self.con.unbind_s() # Implement virtual properties vendor = "ldap" # Implement virtual methods def authenticate(self, password=None): def _reconnect(): con = ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject( self._get_uri(), retry_max=10, retry_delay=0.5 ) if self.userdn: if self.sasldn in self.userdn: con.sasl_non_interactive_bind_s("EXTERNAL") else: con.simple_bind_s(self.userdn, password) else: con.simple_bind_s() return con try: con = _reconnect() except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: raise MoulinetteError("invalid_password") except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: # ldap is down, attempt to restart it before really failing logger.warning(m18n.g("ldap_server_is_down_restart_it")) os.system("systemctl restart slapd") time.sleep(10) # waits 10 secondes so we are sure that slapd has restarted try: con = _reconnect() except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: raise MoulinetteLdapIsDownError("ldap_server_down") # Check that we are indeed logged in with the right identity try: # whoami_s return dn:..., then delete these 3 characters who = con.whoami_s()[3:] except Exception as e: logger.warning("Error during ldap authentication process: %s", e) raise else: # FIXME: During SASL bind whoami from the test server return the admindn while userdn is returned normally : if not (who == self.admindn or who == self.userdn): raise MoulinetteError("Not logged in with the expected userdn ?!") else: self.con = con self._ensure_password_uses_strong_hash(password) def _ensure_password_uses_strong_hash(self, password): # XXX this has been copy pasted from YunoHost, should we put that into moulinette? def _hash_user_password(password): char_set = ( string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + "./" ) salt = "".join([random.SystemRandom().choice(char_set) for x in range(16)]) salt = "$6$" + salt + "$" return "{CRYPT}" + crypt.crypt(str(password), salt) hashed_password =, attrs=["userPassword"])[0] # post-install situation, password is not already set if "userPassword" not in hashed_password or not hashed_password["userPassword"]: return # we aren't using sha-512 but something else that is weaker, proceed to upgrade if not hashed_password["userPassword"][0].startswith("{CRYPT}$6$"): self.update( "cn=%s" % self.adminuser, {"userPassword": [_hash_user_password(password)]}, ) # Additional LDAP methods # TODO: Review these methods
[docs] def search(self, base=None, filter="(objectClass=*)", attrs=["dn"]): """Search in LDAP base Perform an LDAP search operation with given arguments and return results as a list. Keyword arguments: - base -- The dn to search into - filter -- A string representation of the filter to apply - attrs -- A list of attributes to fetch Returns: A list of all results """ if not base: base = self.basedn try: result = self.con.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs) except Exception as e: raise MoulinetteError( "error during LDAP search operation with: base='%s', " "filter='%s', attrs=%s and exception %s" % (base, filter, attrs, e), raw_msg=True, ) result_list = [] if not attrs or "dn" not in attrs: result_list = [entry for dn, entry in result] else: for dn, entry in result: entry["dn"] = [dn] result_list.append(entry) return result_list
[docs] def add(self, rdn, attr_dict): """ Add LDAP entry Keyword arguments: rdn -- DN without domain attr_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to add Returns: Boolean | MoulinetteError """ dn = rdn + "," + self.basedn ldif = modlist.addModlist(attr_dict) try: self.con.add_s(dn, ldif) except Exception as e: raise MoulinetteError( "error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='%s', " "attr_dict=%s and exception %s" % (rdn, attr_dict, e), raw_msg=True, ) else: return True
[docs] def remove(self, rdn): """ Remove LDAP entry Keyword arguments: rdn -- DN without domain Returns: Boolean | MoulinetteError """ dn = rdn + "," + self.basedn try: self.con.delete_s(dn) except Exception as e: raise MoulinetteError( "error during LDAP delete operation with: rdn='%s' and exception %s" % (rdn, e), raw_msg=True, ) else: return True
[docs] def update(self, rdn, attr_dict, new_rdn=False): """ Modify LDAP entry Keyword arguments: rdn -- DN without domain attr_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to add new_rdn -- New RDN for modification Returns: Boolean | MoulinetteError """ dn = rdn + "," + self.basedn actual_entry =, attrs=None) ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(actual_entry[0], attr_dict, ignore_oldexistent=1) if ldif == []: logger.warning("Nothing to update in LDAP") return True try: if new_rdn: self.con.rename_s(dn, new_rdn) new_base = dn.split(",", 1)[1] dn = new_rdn + "," + new_base self.con.modify_ext_s(dn, ldif) except Exception as e: raise MoulinetteError( "error during LDAP update operation with: rdn='%s', " "attr_dict=%s, new_rdn=%s and exception: %s" % (rdn, attr_dict, new_rdn, e), raw_msg=True, ) else: return True
def validate_uniqueness(self, value_dict): """ Check uniqueness of values Keyword arguments: value_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to check Returns: Boolean | MoulinetteError """ attr_found = self.get_conflict(value_dict) if attr_found: "attribute '%s' with value '%s' is not unique", attr_found[0], attr_found[1], ) raise MoulinetteError( "ldap_attribute_already_exists", attribute=attr_found[0], value=attr_found[1], ) return True def get_conflict(self, value_dict, base_dn=None): """ Check uniqueness of values Keyword arguments: value_dict -- Dictionnary of attributes/values to check Returns: None | tuple with Fist conflict attribute name and value """ for attr, value in value_dict.items(): if not, filter=attr + "=" + value): continue else: return (attr, value) return None def _get_uri(self): return self.uri